BRABU Previous Year Question Paper Download Pdf 2025 | BRABU Question Bank, BRABU Model Paper

Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University popularly also known as B. R. Ambedkar Bihar University, is a state university located in the north prime of Bihar state in the city of Muzaffarpur in India.

Established in 1960, this university has 37 constituent colleges. Distance education courses are also offered. Besides, the university organizes symposium, seminars and workshops. It is a premier institution of teaching and learning in the city and offers full-time and part-time courses ranging from undergraduate to postgraduate and research level.

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BRABU Previous Year Question Paper

The Courses offered by the University are approved from University Grants Commission (UGC). The university is a premier institution of teaching and learning in the city and offers various full-time and part-time courses ranging from undergraduate to postgraduate and research level. The university also acts as an affiliated link between several colleges and institutes located across the state in providing higher education. The University is a member of The Association of Indian Universities (AIU).

BRABU Model Paper 2019-24

The University Grants Commission has been assisting colleges for procuring personal computers since 1987 under the scheme of providing computers to Colleges. In the X Plan UGC proposes to establish UGC Network Resource Centres (UGC-NRC) in Colleges, where assistance would be provided for the purchase of Computers and also for Internet Connectivity. All Colleges under UGC purview i.e. under section 2(f) and 12B of the UGC Act which are not having computer facility so far under this scheme.

History At A Glance

  • On 02.01.1952 Universities of Bihar was separated from Patna University, but with its headquarters at Patna.
  • In the year 1960 – The Bihar State Universities Act 1960 bifurcated the existing University of Bihar into three separate Universities, namely; (1) Bihar University, Muzaffarpur (2) Ranchi University, Ranchi (3) Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur.
  • Again in the year 1961 – The Bihar University Act 1961 bifurcated the existing Bihar University, Muzaffarpur into Bihar University, Muzaffarpur and Magadh University, Bodh Gaya.
  • Again in the year 1973 Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, was bifurcated into Bihar University, Muzaffarpur and Mithila University,Darbhanga.
  • In the year 1990 – Again Bihar University, Muzaffarpur was bifurcated into Bihar University, Muzaffarpur and J.P. University, Chapra.
  • In the year 1992 – The name of Bihar University was changed to BABASAHEB BHIMRAO AMBEDKAR BIHAR UNIVERSITY, MUZAFFARPUR and since then it is known as B.R. Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur.

BRABU Previous Year Question Paper: BRABU Question Bank | BRABU Model Paper 2019-24

BRABU Previous Year Question Paper: BRABU Question Bank brabu pat previous year question paper, brabu pg previous year question paper, brabu model paper 2019-22, brabu phd previous year question paper

BRABU Question Bank – BRABU Model Paper

The senate at its meeting held on 2nd March 1997 accorded post facto approval of the scheme of the Academic Council to open Centre for Distance Education in the University for imparting education to desirous candidates by correspondence and distance mode.

The course being imparted by this Centre by correspondence/distance mode are as under:

BRABU TDC Part 1 Model Question Paper with Answer

  • B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. from 1993-95 session in the subjects in which there is no practical and teaching is imparted in the regular colleges of the University except involving practicals.
  • M.A./M.Sc./M.Com. from 1993-1995 session in the subjects in which there is no practicals and teaching is imparted in the University.

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The Centre for Distance Education will have the status of P.G. College/Institute and may introduce self financing vocational and job oriented courses.

The C.D.E. (Centre for Distance Education) has performed well in all the years since 1995 and succeeded in its mission. Its students have performed well in University Examinations and many times succeeded in achieving highest and high ranks at University Examinations.

BRABU Pat Previous Year Question Paper

The name of the C.D.E. (Centre for Distance Education) has been changed to the new name D.D.E. (Directorate of Distance Education), B. R. Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur by the notification of Registrar of the University vide memo number 208/R dated 29/09/2011. The notification is as follows:

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The Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, in the light of the decision of the decision of the Advisory Board of Centre for Distance Education vide item number 02 of its meeting held on 14/02/2011 which was subsequently approved by the Academic Council of its meeting held on 04/04/2011 vide any other item number 01 and which was further approved by the Syndicate at its meeting held on 09/04/2011, has been pleased to rechristen the name of Centre for Distance Education (CDE), B. R.Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur as Directorate of Distance Education, B. R.Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur.

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The D.D.E. is originally housed in a building of plinth area of 378 sq. meter in the campus of University Department of Mathematics since 1995. Recently the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor has been pleased to allot Building No. 06 situated adjacent to P. G. Hostel No. 1 and 3 in a building of plinth area of 1632 sq. meter within a big campus.

The Examinations of students of D.D.E. in general course like B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. and M.A./M.Sc.(Math)/M.Com. are being conducted along with regular students of college and Departments.

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The Advisory Board of D.D.E. resolved in its meeting held on 06/09/2011 under Resolution No.(9) to initiate proper steps to evolve separate Examination and Evaluation System as per DEC norms from the session 2012-2013.

The decision of the Advisory Board of the D.D.E. in its meeting held on 14/02/2011 to start professional/technical courses in the D.D.E. such as BCA, B.Sc.(IT), M.Sc.(IT), P.G. Diploma in Financial Management, Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication from session 2011-12, get approval of the Academic Council in its meeting held on 04/04/2011 and subsequently confirmation of the Syndicate of its meeting held on 09/04/2011. As per decision of the Advisory Board in its meeting held on 25/04/2011, D.D.E. is awaiting the assent of the Hon’ble Chancellor to start the above mentioned profession/technical courses.

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Bihar University Model Paper 2023 Answer Key

The Advisory Board of the D.D.E. in its meeting held on 06/09/2011 resolved to start B. LIS. and M. LIS. in the D.D.E. with other professional/technical courses as decided earlier. This decision of the Advisory Board of D.D.E. has got approval of the Academic Council of the University on 07/09/2011.

The D.D.E. has applied for permission/recognition from N.C.T.E.(National Council for Teacher Education) to start B.Ed. Course in Distance Mode from the session 2012-14.

The official website of D.D.E. is

BRABU Courses

List of Vocational Courses
We provide General Graduation Course as well as Graduation with Honours Courses in following subjects:

  1. Bengali
  2. Commerce
  3. Economics
  4. English
  5. Hindi
  6. History
  7. Mathili
  8. Mathematics
  9. Philosophy
  10. Political Science
  11. Sanskrit
  12. Sociology
  13. Urdu
  14. Physics
  15. Chemistry
  16. Zoology
  17. Botany

We offer Post Graduation Courses in following subjects through semester system:

  1. AIH
  2. Bengali
  3. Commerce
  4. Economics
  5. English
  6. Hindi
  7. History
  8. Mathili
  9. Mathematics
  10. Persian
  11. Philosophy
  12. Political Science
  13. Sanskrit
  14. Sociology
  15. Urdu
  16. Physics
  17. Chemistry
  18. Zoology
  19. Botany
  20. Electronics
  21. Fish & Fisheries
  22. Psychology

BRABU Previous Year Question Paper

Model Questions For TDC 2019-20 Part-I Examination: brabu pat previous year question paper, brabu pg previous year question paper, brabu model paper 2019-22, brabu phd previous year question paper

  1. AIHC General
  2. AIHC Hons Paper-I (History)
  3. AIHC Hons Paper-II (Economics)
  4. AIHC Hons Paper-II (Social)
  5. AIHC Subsidiary
  10. Bhojpuri Hons Paper-II
  11. Chemistry General
  12. Chemistry Paper 1
  13. Chemistry Paper 2
  14. Chemistry Subsidiary
  15. Commerce (Honours) Paper- 2 Group D Business Finance
  16. Commerce (Honours) Paper- 2 Group D Company Account
  17. Commerce (Honours) Part-I (PAPER-2) AUDITING
  18. Commerce (Honours) Part-I FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING
  19. Commerce BO QUESTIONS 101 – 200
  20. Commerce Part- 1 (General) Business Organisation 201 to 300
  21. Commerce Part- 1 (General) Business Organisation
  22. Commerce Part- 1 (Honours) Paper- 2 Group D Principles of Business Finance
  23. Commerce Part- 1 (Honours) Paper- 2 Group DCompany Account
  24. Commerce
  25. Economics Paper II
  26. Economics Paper-1 Unit-1 Micro Economics
  27. Economics Paper-1 Unit-2 Micro Economics
  28. Economics Paper-1 Unit-6 Micro Economics
  29. Economics Paper-2 Unit-2 Macro Economics
  30. Economics Paper-2 Unit-4 Macro Economics
  31. Economics Subsidiary Unit 4
  32. Economics Subsidiary Unit III
  33. Economics Subsidiary
  34. Economics Unit-3 Banking MKS
  35. Economics
  36. Electronics Paper I and II
  37. English Composition (50 marks)
  38. English General
  39. English Hons Paper II
  40. English Hons Paper-I
  41. English Subsidiary
  42. Geography Paper-I Physical Geography
  43. Geography Paper-II Geography of Asia
  44. Geography Subsidiary and General – Physical & Economic Geography
  45. Hindi Part1 Paper-II
  46. Histiry Paper – I (History of India)
  47. History Paper I
  48. History Paper II
  49. History Paper-II (History of Great Britain)
  50. History Subsidiary
  51. Home Science Paper-I
  52. Home Science Paper-II
  53. Home Science Subsidiary
  54. M.I.L. Question (Hindi) Part-I
  55. Mathematics Paper-1
  56. Mathematics Paper-2
  57. Mathematics_Subsidiary
  58. Philosophy General
  59. Philosophy Paper-I
  60. Philosophy Subsidiary
  61. Physics Paper – I
  62. Physics Paper – II
  63. Physics Subsidiary
  64. Political Science General
  65. Political Science Honours
  66. Political Science Paper 2
  67. Political Science Subsidiary
  68. Psychology (Honours) Paper 1
  69. Psychology Honours Paper II
  70. Psychology Subsidiary and General
  71. Sanskrit Hons Paper-I
  72. Sanskrit Hons Paper-II
  73. Sanskrit Subsidiary
  74. Sanstrit General
  75. Urdu
  76. Zoology General
  77. Zoology Paper-I
  78. Zoology Paper-II
  79. Zoology Subsidary

Vision and Mission

  • Enhancement of research activities.
  • Campus Selection.
  • Establishment of Gym for Health Fitness.
  • To organize national and international seminars.
  • Collaboration with industries and institutions.
  • Development of content for SWAYAM and MOOCs courses.
  • Introduction of more add-on courses.

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