Sikkim Ration Card List 2022 : New Ration List, Correction, Modification, for Ration Card Sikkim

Sikkim Ration Card List 2022 | New Ration List, Correction, Modification, for Ration Card Sikkim | sikkim ration card list | ration card check | oph ration card eligibility criteria | consumer awareness in sikkim case study

TPDS ensures the availability of food grains at subsidized rates to the poor living. Let us tell you that the government of Sikkim provides food grains on monthly basis to the beneficiaries of ration card especially BPL families.

Sikkim Ration Card
Sikkim Ration Card

The main objective of launching the Sikkim Ration Card portal is to increase the transparency and accountability of the ration card scheme. Today in this article, we arrange you all the necessary information regarding Sikkim Ration Card.

Sikkim Ration Card – Details

ArticleSikkim Ration Card List 2022
Launched byGovernment of Sikkim state
Dipartment offood civil supplies and consumer affairs department
BeneficiariesResidents of Sikkim state
ObjectiveTo distribute ration card

Sikkim Ration Card Correction /Modification 2022

The Sikkim government has launched the official portal of the ration card, but now you cannot get the ration card made online. Friends application form submission process is still offline medium.

On that official portal the government updates all the latest things related to the ration card. To know the step wise process of Sikkim ration card application form, go through the process given below, and follow the steps to submit the form

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible to apply for ration card in the state of Sikkim you need to follow the following eligibility criteria as given below.

  • Firstly, the applicant must be a legal and permanent resident of Sikkim state.
  • The applicant should not have a pre-owned ration card.
  • If his ration card is stolen or lost then the applicant can apply for a new ration card.
  • Newly married can apply for ration card.

Required Documents

If you are applying for ration card in Sikkim state then the following documents should be with you while filling the application form.

  • A copy of the original residential proof
  • A copy of the age certificate of the head of the family
  • Copy of Identity Proof like Voter ID Card, Driving License, Aadhar Card.
  • A copy of family income proof
  • passport size photograph of the applicant
  • Valid mobile number or email address
  • Self-declaration and certificate issued from Ward Councilor/Pradhan.
  • Tenancy Agreement (if the applicant is a tenant)

Can I apply online for Sikkim Ration Card 2021?

No, the online portal of Food and Civil Supplies Department is for the latest updates related to RC. To apply you have to follow offline process only.

Can I track Sikkim ration card application form status online?

If you are facing any problem related to Sikkim ration card, or any service related to ration card. In that case, you can register your complaint against that matter by following the given steps No, the facility to track the application form is not available in the official portal of the ration card.

New Ration List, Correction, Modification, for Ration Card Sikkim

You can check it using the official web portal of Sikkim PDS, where you will get the option of Monthly PDS allotment Click on the option Report will open. Sikkim Ration Card is available for those people who come under the category of BPL. After submitting the complaint form, you can also check the online complaint status by visiting the official site of Sikkim PDS. On the homepage, click on View Status of Your Grievance, as soon as you click on the option, Grievance Status Form will

How to Check Sikkim Ration Card 2022

If you want to apply for Sikkim Ration Card then you can follow the simple steps given below.

  • First of all go to the official website – or
  • you have to go to the end of this page.
  • After which click on the given link Sikkim Ration Card List 2022.
  • After that a new page will open, fill the given information correctly on it.
  • After filling all the information correctly, click on the submit button.
  • The Sikkim Ration Card List form will appear on your screen.
Ration Card ListClick Here
Ration Card CorrectionClick Here
Official WebsiteClick Here

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