Key Points to Keep in Mind While Preparing for Bihar Police SI Exam 2022

Key Points to Keep in Mind While Preparing for Bihar Police SI Exam 2022 – How can I prepare for Bihar police exam?

Bihar Police Subordinate Selection Commission conducts Bihar Police SI Exam to recruit eligible candidates for the post of Sub Inspector (SI) and Sergeant. This is a golden employment opportunity for the aspirant who wants to join Bihar Police. Therefore, the aspirants should submit the application form through Bihar Police SI Apply Online link as and when it is available on the official website.

Key Points to Keep in Mind While Preparing for Bihar Police SI Exam 2022

Every candidate should work extremely hard to achieve their goal and this is only possible if they have the right Preparation strategy for Bihar SI Exam. The right preparation strategy includes the right information about the Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Books, and so on. Therefore, we have come up with this article to guide the candidates in the right direction with the major points to be considered during the Bihar SI Exam Preparation.

Key Points to Keep in Mind While Preparing for Bihar Police SI Exam

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Key Points to Keep in Mind While Preparing for Bihar Police SI Exam

Bihar Police SI Examination is considered one of the most competitive and difficult examinations in the state. Thousands of candidates apply for the exam every year, but only a few could ace the exam due to the limited vacancies and high level of competition. Therefore, it is essential for the candidates to know everything about the recruitment process from eligibility criteria to the application form, exam dates, Bihar Police SI Admit Card, and so on. We have shared a list of few points below that the aspirants should keep in mind while preparing for the Bihar Police SI exam.

Emphasis on General Knowledge and Current Affairs

Bihar Police SI Preliminary Exam covers only one section which is General Knowledge and Current Events. This section carries an overall 200 marks with a time limit of 2 hours. Only the candidates who qualify in the Prelims exam will be considered eligible to appear for the Mains exam.

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The candidates should have knowledge of both Static GK and Current Affairs to excel in the preliminary exam. They should inculcate the habit of reading newspapers and journals daily to stay updated about the national and international events around the world. General Knowledge and Current Events cover important topics like Culture and Religion, Capitals & Currencies, Mountains, Defence, Soils & Rivers, Award & Recognition, Discoveries, and so on/

Attempt Mock Tests

The candidates should start attempting Bihar SI Mock Tests from a reliable online platform soon after the completion of the syllabus. They are advised to attempt as many mock tests as possible at least one month before the exam date. By doing this, they will be able to analyze their weak points and discover their own style of solving different questions with no difficulty.

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Analyze Previous Year Question Paper

Bihar Police SI Previous Question Paper is one of the best study materials to get familiar with the types of questions asked previously in the exam. Solving the previous year’s paper would assess the preparation level of the candidates and boost their confidence to face the difficulty level of questions in the actual exam.

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Don’t wait for the Prelims Result, Start Mains Preparation Bihar Police SI Exam 2022

  • Time Management is known as an important factor in Bihar Police SI Exam or any Other competitive exams.
  • Therefore, all the candidates are advised not to wait for the prelims result and start the Bihar Police SI Mains Exam Preparation 2022 right away.
  • As they will not get enough time after the declaration of the result to prepare well for the Bihar SI Mains Exam.
  • Even if the candidates fail to clear the Bihar SI prelims, the preparation will be useful for the next attempt.

Bihar Relevant Books

Relevant Books and Study Material is one of the most important weapons to crack the Bihar Police SI Exam. Wasting precious time in reading unimportant or too many books may create confusion regarding the concepts asked in the exam. Candidates should have the collection of the right study material and recommended books as per the latest Bihar SI Exam Pattern and Syllabus during the preparation.

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